Wisdom from She-Who-Shall-Not-Be-Named

It does not do to dwell on dreams and forget to live.


I’m not condoning transphobia here (in fact, this blog is a safe space so get off if you’re gonna be a bigot), but this wisdom is so important to me. Life is for the living. There have been many moments in my life where I’ve wondered, where did the time go? What did I do with that time? I would feel sad and confused and later the shame would hit.

But, no more. This is your PSA to LIVE YOUR LIFE. It could be something small or a leap of faith. For me, living means being completely connected to whatever I’m doing in the moment and enjoying it. It’s not forcing myself to do something (you might force yourself to start doing something, but you shouldn’t force yourself through it). It’s not watching other people live their lives and living vicariously through them. It’s doing the things you enjoy and can lose yourself in. After all, it’s your life, so why not do the things that make you feel the most alive?